-American News
"Did we kill Sadam & his sons? Yee Ha! We may have!"
AMERICA'S CONCLUSION: "We did the right thing! There is less evil in the world now! We have reigned it in!"
-The rest of the World's News
"Did innocent people get killed?"
THE WORLD'S CONCLUSION: "The Americans may have killed innocent men, women & children in their illegal, immoral &
unjust lust for vengeance! They are EVIL out of control!"
The innocent people being bombed think:
"When is it right for you to endanger & kill innocent people in order
to make yourself safer?"
Self Defense is attacking the attacker during the attack & not before the attack. For example, if you see your
neighbor as an immediate threat & you attack first - this is not self defense but premeditated murder! Endangering &
killing the innocent for any reason is TERRORISM!
Ponder this: If someone attacked your town in order to get revenge rather than solving the problem in a court of law
& they accidentally killed your family in the act, wouldn't you consider them criminal terrorists & not a nation of