The right to bear arms is necessary in order to form a well
regulated militia.
The citizens of a militia must first have their
weapons before they can come together to form a militia.
right to bear arms is not for hunting; rather it is for a
free people to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.
Thomas Jefferson said (paraphrase)that a free people should be an armed people, government is a necessary evil, and it
is only the natural order of things for government to get bigger and liberties to shrink.
Gun violence?" That implies that guns are
violent as if they go out and commit gun crimes. I believe the
should be "gun related violence" because people, not guns, for one
reasons or another, have motives
which motivate them to use guns as
problem solving tools. If guns did not exist - another tool would be
If we could "magically" get rid of all of the guns - people would
probably run over one another with automobiles.
Would we then call
it "automobile violence" and outlaw automobiles? No, of course not!
We should look
at what motivates people to kill each other with guns
and other tools as well.
Some experts say that the
lucrative price of drugs results in
enormous drug profits which motivate users to commit crimes, often
guns, in order to get money for drugs. These drug profits also
motivate drug dealers to kill one another over drug
sales territories
or "turf" and other drug related business disputes as well.
Legal business disputes are
settled in courts of law and illegal business disputes are settled with guns, tools of the trade. These enormous drug profits
also result in the bribing and corrupting of government officials in the USA and countries around the world like Colombia
and Russia. These enormous profits lure law enforcement officials into illegal acts, corrupting them as well.
Destabilization of governments
like Russia, which has weapons of mass destruction, could result in
weapons being sold to terrorists who could use the existing
drug pipelines to smuggle the weapons into the USA.
This facilitation
of terrorism is a serious threat to national security.
If it is the lucrative drug profits
that motivate these crimes and
threatens national security then maybe, we should eliminate that
causes the lucrative profits? After all, drugs like marijuana
(cannabis) for example, do not sprout out of the ground
thousands of dollars. Drugs like Cannabis, Opium, and many others
have existed through out history
and never (as far as I know) have
drugs, other than alcohol, been so profitable and motivated such
So what causes drugs to be so profitable? Well, lets look at alcohol
for example. Many of us like to have
a beer after work. If a beer
drinker (consumer/user), who was physically and physiologically
to alcohol, couldn't go to the store to buy his or her beer
because the stores were all closed due to prohibition,
then he or she
would most likely search for another source. And, if another person
said that he or she
could get beer for the consumer, the consumer
would have to pay that person (the dealer) for his or her time and
labor as well as the beer itself. This would inflate the price of
beer. If the dealer was risking imprisonment
due to a federal
prohibition of alcohol, then the act would have to be worth the risk
so he or she would
charge more, further inflating the price.
Most average citizens would not think of dealing a prohibited
but everyone has their price. Desperate people in desperate
situations, like those in poor neighborhoods, projects,
and Indian
reservations across the nation, are especially vulnerable to
temptation. Survival and feeding
one's family is worth the risk
regardless of the consequences. The risk of imprisonment would run up
price of beer enormously, if prohibited. Since the stores would
be closed, the supply would be limited while the
demand for beer
would still exist and in some instances continue to grow, further
driving the prices upward.
Desperate, addicted users would offer even
higher prices for beer effectively bidding on the limited supply. The
demand for beer would exceed the supply.
When the Demand exceeds the Supply, inflation occurs. Prices go up
even higher. Illegal shipments would be confiscated by the
government, further limiting the supply, driving
up the prices
further and further each and every time the seizures occur, until the
lucrative beer profits
to be made result in other illegal (black-
market) sources. When several sources are available (supply meets
competition occurs and prices come down. Simple economics,
don't you think? Prohibition inflates prices resulting
in lucrative
profits for those who illegally supply the demand. A black market or
illegal market can not
exist without prohibition. Someone might say
that it is prohibition that employs organized criminals since the
lucrative drug money that pays and finances the organized criminals,
is a direct result of prohibition.
And now days, we can add terrorists to the employees of prohibition.
Although alcohol and tobacco both attribute to
or result in thousands
of death each year, a prohibition on these physically and
physiologically addictive
substances likely will not occur for several
reasons. One reason is that Alcohol prohibition of the early 1900s
taught us some valuable lessons. One lesson in particular is that
limiting the supply using prohibition while
the demand still exists,
causes the demand to exceed the supply. This creates inflated prices,
which results
in an illegal "black market" which employs violent criminals!
The alcohol prohibition black market of the early
1900s was run by
organized criminal gangs or "gangsters". These gangsters used
violence to settle their
business disputes and collect the lucrative
profits. The more money and resources that we put into limiting the
Supply of alcohol, the more we fueled the black market and the
gangsters by creating price inflation which resulted
in higher
profits. These gangsters destabilized our government by bribing,
black mailing, and threatening
to kill government officials. Gang
wars with automatic weapons filled the streets and nation with
Another reason, many argue, is that the tobacco and alcohol
industries are too powerful to be stopped because they
lobby Congress
with contributions. Our career politicians are bought and paid for. They are loyal to
their party (their career) above the Constitution. They make their decisions based on what is good for their career
& not what is good for America.
One serious "gun & prohibition related" preventable problem is access to guns
by children. Many ordinary citizens across the nation fear for the safety of themselves and their families, largely due to
drug related crime, like home invasions, burglaries, theft, etc., so they buy and keep guns in their homes. It is estimated
that 70% of Crime is Drug (prohibition) related! (7 out of 10 crimes are preventable) In the case of a home invasion, the
perpetrators usually have guns and home owners know that they will not have time to get their guns out of a gun safe or get
the trigger lock off, so they keep guns easily accessible, which often results in access to guns by children.
drug dealers, protecting their lucrative drug property and
themselves from those who would take their drugs, keep
accessible, which also results in access to guns by children. Just
recently, a six year old boy gained
access to a gun in a crack house,
took it to school, and shot a six year old girl. A crack house and
criminals employed and funded by profits resulting from
prohibition it's self.
Some children gain access
to guns through the drug black market. Once
established the black market and organized criminals diversify into
other illegal businesses, like weapons smuggling and sales. The
existence of the black market and its sales
of weapons make it
possible for convicted felons to access guns as well. Licensing,
registration, and
eventually confiscation of the guns of law-abiding
citizens will not affect the criminals who will not license,
or turn in their guns.
Gun control has not worked in England or Australia. The citizens were
disarmed and now only the criminals have guns. Statistics have proven
that in towns where citizens are permitted
to carry concealed
weapons, crime goes down.
I'll bet that gun control activists will
not put
a sign on their front door of their house which reads "This
is a Gun-Free home", because criminals would be more
likely to invade
a home which is gun-free. Guns are deterrents to crime.
As long as the prohibition black
market is in existence and being fueled by the war on drugs, supplying guns to anyone with $money$, (felons and children alike)
gun control will not take guns out of the hands of criminals or children! And as long as organized criminal gangs and addicts
are sealing and robbing there will be thefts of guns from law-abiding citizens.
One of the Million Mom March
advocates for gun control announced that
gun control will stop violent crime by keeping guns out of the hands
of criminals, children, and those who have a mental imbalance.
Licensing and registration will not effect criminals
or children who
buy guns on the black market or steal licensed and registered guns
from the law abiding.
I do believe that there are compromises that
can be made on both sides in order to reduce violent "gun related"
crime but putting drugs back in the drug stores will reduce crime (violent drug prohibition gun related crime) by 70%!!!!!
One way may be reducing the number or cheap or "Junk guns" being manufactured as a result of Prohibition causing the
demand (eliminate prohibition & eliminate the demand)
(Demand/Motivation = criminals employed by prohibition and
in need of a cheap gun "tool" to protect their lucrative drugs, profits, and themselves from rivals).
-Gun buy-back
programs will get rid of unwanted or unused guns so that
there is less threat of a child finding a long forgotten
gun but
unfortunately use tax dollars to buy old unwanted guns from dealers.
-Gunlocks on all new
and used gun sales will help, but remember people won't use them if they are in danger due to drug prohibition crime.
-Gun locks available "free of charge" to the public for those who
already possess guns might help but cost tax
-The Education of "all" citizens on gun safety staring early in child
development to teach
young children to stay away from guns and to
notify an adult immediately should they encounter a gun will help.
Also, High school students, as young adults, could be taught gun safety so that all citizens are educated. Education
is prevention! Ignorance is deadly!
-A three minute instant back ground check prior to gun purchases would
prevent felons from buying guns legally, and would not put gun shows,
which are usually 2 day events, out of
business. Nor would this
prevent you from purchasing a gun if your life were in danger. The
police aren't
going to hang around and protect you. They can't be
everywhere. However, the second amendment of the Constitution
that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed! And this would be
an infringement. Many argue
that the smallest infringement is the
beginning of the slippery slope leading to loss of our second
right to bear arms.
One other deterrent that would, if enforced, reduce crime is to
prosecute those
felons who attempt to purchase guns using the laws
that already exist!
Last but not least, end drug
prohibition there by eliminating both
drug crime, which usually involves guns as tools of the trade, and
to guns through the prohibition black market. We have been
waging a war not on drugs, but drug using "citizens"
for over 30
years, and the problem has grown to epidemic proportions (over one century 100 years of prohibition!)
Eliminating Prohibition would eliminate the lucrative profits that motivate the drug-related crimes that cause people
to arm themselves & would protect our nation by stopping the employment & funding of terrorists & drug cartels
who corrupt & destabilize entire democracies.
Before the Harrison Act of 1914, the beginning of drug prohibition,
there was a small drug problem. Nearly one century later, we don't have drug problems, we have wide spread epidemics to include
snortable heroine (dont have to inject), cocaine, crack, meth-amphetamine, and now new drugs like ecstasy, and Many, Many,
more! Designer drugs are all the rage, fetching high profits & imitations as well.
Imitation or fake
ecstasy for example, pills sold as ecstasy because of the lucrative profit that can be made, are resulting in deaths. Black
markets are unregulated and uncontrolled and do more damage than drugs ever would if legalized and regulated like tobacco
and alcohol.
We don't see gangs fighting over alcohol or tobacco but we would if they were prohibited. Also, there
have always been loaded guns in homes but children have never been so violent that they would take and use the guns. Is it
just a coincidence that only a few decades ago, before
the War on Drugs introduced violence into our society, school
shootings did not happen? Other than during alcohol prohibition gang
violence did not exist for the most part.
And now, gangs are
everywhere! Violent environments produce violent children.
Prohibition employs
violent criminals who often use guns as tools of the trade. Prohibition employs criminals who put drugs directly into
the hands of our children & thats why I have a poster that says The Kids have all the best drugs thanks to Prohibition!
They do! They can get anything but alcohol unless they know someone of age since alcohol is in the liquor stores!
It was the same when I was in school a decade & a half ago.
The career politicians always say that they can do
the job of eradicating the hemp plant globally (which grows every where naturally) but after a century of failure people are
beginning to see the light at the end of the prohibition tunnel is a mirage! The career politicians are doing what is
right for their careers & not what is right for America. They know that they can solve this problem but they need
your money to fund their agendas & careers.
They are not loyal to the Constitution but to their party.
is time to put the drugs back in the drugs stores & out of the hands of criminals, children & terrorists! Legalize
all drugs & let adults decide whether to use drugs or not. Let the free market solve this problem because the free
market will beat the rule of law every time anyway! Supply will meet demand! - Just look at Prisons. They can't
even keep drugs out of prison! Supply will meet demand! Just look at Prisons! They cant even keep drugs out of our prisons
but some think that turning our Nation into a giant federal prison will bring them security. Jefferson & Franklin
both agreed that an people who trade their liberties for security - deserve NEITHER!
There is no security in a federal
prison! Supply & demand rule in this materialistic society & prohibiting drugs only makes them more evil &
harmful! Prohibition funds terrorism & attacks against the United States & the federalist incharge are leading
our great nation to hell.
Please read the Lust for Power "The Fears of the Anti-Federalists have become reality!"
www.etherzone.com/2000/baec090600.html Thank you.
Travis Patriot
PatriotStudios.Tripod.com Political Items
Here's a simple quiz for those who blame drug users for funding terrorism rather than
Question: Did Alcohol or Alcohol Prohibition fund the terrorism of Al Capone?
If you say alcohol
then why does alcohol not fund terrorism today?
Answer, because it is in the liquor stores & out of the hands
of organized crime & terrorists.
Related Shops:
Drug Prohibition
www.cafeshops.com/DrugProhibition There's No Security is a Giant Federal Prison!
www.cafeshops.com/federalprison Sources
Read Drug Crazy:
www.drugcrazy.com Go to your local library & read "America's Longest War".
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