The religious fanatics on all sides want to see a great epic battle between good & evil. Unfortunately, they
are both doing the will of evil with their lust for violence & death but they may get their way because the global war
on terror is fueling radical Islam & building the perceived enemy (Al Qaeda) & its non existent but growing army.
How does it grow? It grows when small fanatical groups everywhere have one common enemy (the US) which allows them
to form into a formidable army. An army & enemy that the leaders of nations everywhere can claim to be fighting
in the name of fighting terrorism. A free ticket for them to do as they wish.
The Big Picture:
Iraq now unsafe & heading toward Islamic fundamentalist control & a possible Viet Nam as well.
Weapons of Mass Destruction, formerly in Iraq, now gone! Likely in the hands of terrorists because everything
looted as a result of the invasion was sold for money in order for people to survive after their nation was blown apart!
Now we have a new problem: The weapons of Mass Destruction are missing due to the invasion as I pointed out earlier
& that is a new problem! The invasion may have resulted in unintended consequence of war like resulting in the weapons
of mass destruction going to terrorists! Now what do we do? Even radio active material from the hospitals &
no telling what else was looted & sold to terrorists! And we know that there were likely weapons of mass destruction
because Saddam likely got them from us as a result of, the feds supporting Iraq against Iran years ago when Saddam was Bushs
Fathers good friend!
We also fueled the need for others to acquire weapons of mass destruction by attacking Iraq but not N. Korea!
North Korea's nukes made the difference.
Our brave Service Men & Women are sitting ducks & they are coming back in body bags or crippled (physically
& psychologically) from this illegal invasion & occupation while the feds cut back & close down VA hospitals.
Also, in Iraq all non Muslim outsiders are now being targeted - even those trying to help.
After calling for the US to leave & after numerous raids of homes & shootings of innocent Iraqis, the Iraqi
people are now rioting. The Mighty US can read a license plate from space but why can they turn the electricity back
on? the Iraqis ask in 120 degree weather. By the way, Saddam used to punish the Iraqis by turning off their electricity!
After a protest, there was what I refer to as the Boston Massacre in Iraq when troops shot into a crowd earlier. Soldiers
are not police & the Iraqi people are now AFRAID of US TROOPS! They do not want us there & their anger &
resentment is building, thus fueling radicalism & terrorism! This is pushing Iraq toward a theocracy of radical Muslims
& the US toward Imperialism to prevent it! We simply can not fight terrorism with an army because those tactics make more
terrorists than they kill!
Hunt for Saddam These "Elvis sightings" are resulting in heavy handed tactics by trigger happy & scared as
hell US troops put into a bad situation unnecessarily (without an imminent threat to the US) & this is fueling terrorism.
People will only put up with such (military) tactics for so long before they say, Give Me Liberty or Give me Death! - just
as our Founding Fathers did! And military threats as deterrence only works against those who want to LIVE and NOT those
willing to Die! The end result may be war crime charges against our brave men & women.
Soldiers are not police and misusing our national defense as an offense to police the world will eventually result in bad
things happening - like war crime charges against our troops! I want You To Police the World..GLOBO COP! Just
say no to this career politicians idea.
Afghanistan Al Qaeda still operating & growing. US occupation & operations still fueling terrorism
& bringing fresh recruits for the enemy.
Philippines - Islamic rebels bombed several buildings like US Hotels (might as well call them Al Qaeda) because
they are linked to Al Qaeda by a common enemy (the US) & a common motivation - defending their religion from the US as
it invades Muslim Holy Lands everywhere!
Car Bomb in Jordan (supported US invasion)
Al Qaeda is spreading out across the globe & our nations occupation of half the globe (120 our of 190) countries
(many Muslim) as well as our invasions of many more, fuels radicalism & gives them more recruits.
The federal war on drugs & terror are both un-winnable because they make more terrorists & drug dealers
than they get rid of! They are self defeating because as soon as a leader is taken out, another moves up to take his
place. This happens both with terrorists & drug dealers because "federalism" itself is what motivates these people
to move up! Federalists attacking their religion by invading holy lands & supporting Israel motivates the Muslim
radicals. And the lucrative profits resulting from prohibition motivate the drug dealers to sell drugs! As long
as the violation of the Muslim religion occurs with the federal war on terror there will be more people motivated to take
the leaders place in the terror organization & as long as federal prohibition makes drugs illegal & profitable there
will be drug dealers.
Federalism is also funding & building enemies to fight in Colombia as well as much of central & South America.
The Federal prohibition of drugs takes drugs out of the drug stores & then criminals & terrorists make money (fund
raise) by supplying the demand for drugs in order to collect the lucrative profits resulting as a direct result of federal
prohibition. Then federal war on terror comes along & has an enemy to fight getting us involved in the decades old
Colombian civil war. Just as the federalists like the DEA & many others desire!
If you go to another neighborhood & interfere in their internal matters making enemies abroad, common sense should
tell you that you had better lock your door when you get home because trouble is on the way! The same thing is happening
today when we Americans let our politicians try to rule the world miss-using our brave military to enforce their political
Bottom line: America is less safe today & we are heading toward a catastrophe as we fuel Radical Islam.
Long ago, someone once said that if tyranny ever comes to America, it will likely be under the guise of protecting the
people from a foreign enemy. And so the Patriot Act & other things have come to be. And with technology advancing
& the federal war on terror never ending like the federal drug war, 1984 the book is becoming reality.
Once we functioned as a United States with the police powers with the States & a limited federal government.
The Founders Fathers feared that the States would be ruled by the Federal government (if not limited) & that is exactly
what we have today. Although the federal government is limited, it does as it pleases. It rules the States by
cutting off the federal money necessary for their budgets & the people by taxing them directly just like a king with his
armed tax collectors. Moreover, the federal king or dictator now declares war himself in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution
Yes my friends, we have felons running our great nation & leading us to HELL on earth with eternal death & violence!
Read The fears of the Anti-Federalist have become reality at
To see the possible future of federalism, see Star Ship Troopers the movie!